Sharpe ratio
Sharpe Ratio - Introduction¶
Sharpe Ratio is the most common metric used to measure risk in finance.
The formula is
(return on portfolio - risk free rate)/standard deviation of the excess return on the portfolio
There are tons of resources on the internet about sharpe ratio.
This investopedia page is a good introduction.
In this series of articles, we take a deep dive into the sharpe ratio and its variations and usage.
We assume the risk free rate to be zero, then the formula simply becomes mean returns divided by the standard deviation of returns. The following terms are used interchangebly throughout this article
- mean returns/average returns/mu
- standard deviation of returns/deviation/sigma
We would be working on the NSE Nifty 50 index data
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import empyrical as ep
from typing import Tuple
import seaborn as sns
# Parameters
# useful when running as a papermill notebook
filename:str = '/tmp/nifty.csv'
periods:Tuple[str] = ('W','M','Y')
df = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=['date'], parse_dates=['date'])
df['daily_return'] = df.close.pct_change()
mu,sigma = df.daily_return.mean(), df.daily_return.std()
print(f"Daily mean return = {mu :.4f}")
print(f"Deviation of daily returns = {sigma :.4f}")
print(f"Sharpe ratio = {mu/sigma :.4f}")
Sharpe ratio - converting to various periods¶
The sharpe ratio calculated here is based on daily return. To calculate it for other periods, multiply this by the square root of the period.
sharpe ratio * √n
To get the weekly sharpe ratio, multiply by √5 since there are 5 trading days in a week, √20 for a month and so on. Most of the literature and news display the annualized sharpe ratio, sharpe ratio per annum
def sharpe_period(sr:float, n:int)->float:
sr_p = sr*np.sqrt(n)
return sr_p
for p,n in zip(('weekly','monthly','yearly'),(5,20,252)):
print(f"Sharpe ratio for the period {p} is {sharpe_period(mu/sigma, n):.4f}")
print(f"Sharpe ratio annualized calculated using empyrical is {ep.sharpe_ratio(df.daily_return):.4f}")
Calculate sharpe ratio by resampling¶
def resampled_sharpe(dataframe:pd.DataFrame, freq:str)->float:
resampled = dataframe.resample(freq).close.last().pct_change()
sharpe = resampled.mean()/resampled.std()
return sharpe
for p,n in zip(('weekly','monthly','yearly'),periods):
print(f"Sharpe ratio for the period {p} is {resampled_sharpe(df, n):.4f}")
The sharpe ratio by both the methods match though not exact and bigger the timeframe, the bigger is the difference between the methods. This may be due to the fact that the daily returns have more data compared to the resampled series which has got less data when we increase the time period.
The sharpe ratio calculated thus far is the ex-post sharpe ratio since it is calculated after the event has occured. In practice, we use this ratio on a ex-ante basis, as a predictor for the future. ex-ante is the the expected sharpe ratio while the ex-post is the actual/realised sharpe ratio
This excellent article shows how ex-post and ex-ante are calculated in general
A note on the risk free rate¶
All the calculations are done assuming 0 is the risk-free rate. Let us see a simulation with different risk free rates
rates = np.linspace(0,0.1,50)
sharpe_ratios = {}
for r in rates:
sharpe_ratios[r] = ep.sharpe_ratio(df.daily_return,risk_free=r/365)
ax = pd.Series(sharpe_ratios).plot(title='Sharpe ratio versus risk free rate')
ax.set_xlabel('Sharpe Ratio')
ax.set_ylabel('Risk free rate');