Price filter major indices
Price filter for major indices¶
We already looked at a price filter for the S&P500 index here.
Let us try it for some other common indices and see how it works on them.
List of indices to test
- Dow Jones - United States
- Russell 2000 - England
- Nifty 50 - India
- S&P500 - United States
- Dax - Germany
- Nikkei 225 - Japan
- Hangseng - HongKong
- Moex - Russia
- SSE - China
- Asx 200 - Australia
- Euronext100 - Europe
- Tsx Composite - Canada
I have downloaded the data from Yahoo from the start of 2000 and applied the moving average price filter for each of the indices. The get data
function does all the data stuff. Finally, I group by each stock exchange and the price filter and take the daily mean of the returns.
import pandas as pd
import pandas_datareader as web
import seaborn as sns
# parameters
ma = 60
# tickers are specified as name versus symbol in yahoo finance
tickers = {
'dow': '^DJI',
'russell': '^RUT',
'nifty': '^NSEI',
'snp500': '^GSPC',
'dax': '^GDAXI',
'nikkei': '^N225',
'hangseng': '^HSI',
'moex': '',
'sse': '000001.SS',
'asx': '^AXAT',
'euronext': '^N100',
'tsx comp': '^GSPTSE'
def get_data(index, name):
Get the data for the
df = web.DataReader(index, 'yahoo', start='2000-01-01').rename(columns = lambda x: x.lower())
df = df.sort_index()
df['year'] = df.index.year
df['ret'] = df.close.pct_change()
df['ma_price'] = df.close.rolling(ma).median().shift(1)
df['is_price'] = df.eval('close > ma_price')+0
df['is_price'] = df.is_price.shift(1) # Shifting price since we use the signal only next day
df['name'] = name
return df
collect = []
for k,v in tickers.items():
tmp = get_data(v, name=k)
except Exception as e:
df = pd.concat(collect)
mean_returns = df.groupby(['name', 'is_price']).ret.mean().reset_index()
sns.barplot(data=mean_returns, x='name', y='ret', hue='is_price')
Looks like there is no common pattern among the indices.
And all except hangseng and see provide positive returns for both the filters.
On a second look, snp500, dow, russell,euronext does well with a filter of 0 while nifty,nikkei,sse,tsx does well with a filter of 1.
May be
- the american and european markets exhibit different behaviour than the asian counterparts (but TSX is from Canada)
- the older exchanges may exhibit a different behaviour than the new one
- the timezone effect
- or just plain random
I cannot come up with any conclusive explanation. This is a good topic to explore further with a whole lot of other indices
# Starting date from which data is computed