A simple strategy based on autocorrelation in volatility


We saw some monthly auto-correlation in volatility here. Let us try to create a strategy out of it and see if it holds an edge. Our strategy is to hold the stock when the volatility is low.


  1. Calculate the monthly volatility of the stock
  2. Calculate the 12-period rolling monthly volatility
  3. If the present month volatility is less than the rolling volatilty, hold the stock

Volatility is simply the standard deviation of the daily returns

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [2]:
df = pd.read_csv('/home/pi/data/sp500.csv', parse_dates=['Date']).rename(
columns = lambda x:x.lower()).sort_values(by='date').set_index('date')
df['ret'] = df.close.pct_change()

The following two functions

  • generate the returns and then
  • plots the cumulative returns based on each signal

signal 1 means that last month volatility is more than the moving average of the 12 month volatility while signal 0 indicates the volatility is less than the average. All denotes holding the stock all the period. So,

  • 1 denotes more volatility
  • 0 denotes less volatility
In [3]:
def generate_returns_table(data, freq='M'):
    Generate the returns dataframe
        Daily data
        frequency as pandas string
    monthly_returns = data.resample(freq).close.ohlc().close.pct_change()
    monthly_volatility = data.resample(freq).ret.std()
    df2 = pd.DataFrame({
        'returns': monthly_returns,
        'volatility': monthly_volatility
    df2['rolling_vol'] = df2.volatility.rolling(12).median()
    df2['signal'] = df2.eval('(volatility>rolling_vol)+0').shift(1)
    return df2

def plot_strategy(data, column='signal'):
    Plot the returns based on signal
        dataframe with returns
        column containing the signal
    collect = []
    d = data.copy()
    d['name'] = 'all'
    d['cum_returns'] = d.eval('1+returns').cumprod()    
    grouped = d.groupby(column)
    for name, group in grouped:
        group['name'] = name
        group['cum_returns'] = group.eval('1+returns').cumprod()
    tmp = pd.concat(collect).reset_index()
    return sns.lineplot(x='date', y='cum_returns', hue='name', data=tmp)
In [4]:
strategy = generate_returns_table(df)
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
0.0 148.0 0.007405 0.035204 -0.085962 -0.015188 0.011449 0.028690 0.107546
1.0 114.0 0.002998 0.052159 -0.169425 -0.025201 0.009228 0.035504 0.126844

There seems to be an edge here. A signal of 0, lower volatility, generates better returns at a lesser risk. But the optimal thing to do, by looking at the cumulative returns chart, is to stay invested all the time as it gives the maximum total returns.

Let us try doing this on a quarterly basis. Instead of calculating the monthly volatility, calculate the quarterly volatility and apply the same algorithm

In [5]:
strategy = generate_returns_table(df, freq='Q')
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
0.0 53.0 0.001043 0.076472 -0.200011 -0.023018 0.012990 0.054221 0.116419
1.0 34.0 0.039976 0.087841 -0.225582 0.005207 0.049272 0.101734 0.199529

From the cumulative returns chart, it looks that investing when the signal is 1, during higher volatility, looks better than staying invested all the time. This is in contrast with what is observed when we used monthly frequency, which needs to be investigated further.

You can try different frequencies and different instruments by cloning this notebook

Transaction costs and slippage not included. Also the result doesn't resemble an exact portfolio.
I have not tested for statistical significance for these results, which is important. These are only raw results